Read the article " What Doctors Don't Tell You ," on Dr. Carol McMakin's site or download the original, here .
When used prior to and within 4 hours of a surgical procedure or new injury, Frequency Specific Microcurrent can improve healing times drastically. How does it work? Damaged tissue has a disruption to its electromagnetic field and is not resonating at its optimal resonant frequency. We utilize frequency specific microcurrent to input the optimal frequencies (or "instructions") which entrain that specific tissue back to its optimal state. ATP is increased by 500%, and the tissues become more efficient and organized as they heal.
The results are almost unbelievable. Read this article about Terrell Owens' miraculous recovery. In 2004, Owens went from sustaining a fibular fracture with significant ligamentous and soft tissue damage to radiologic healing in 4 weeks, to playing in the Super Bowl at 7 weeks after his surgery ( Ford 2018 ). This healing timeline is unheard of, and yet, it happened with Microcurrent!
We know that microcurrent alone, without the specific frequencies, can evoke a
There is also data to support specific, statistically significant changes in blood markers with FSM, including
which you can explore further in the paper titled Cytokine changes with microcurrent treatment of fibromyalgia associated with cervical spine trauma (McMakin 2005).
Keeping the microamps below 500µA is an important factor to consider when comparing microcurrent to a standard TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) treatment that you may have experienced at a physical therapist, acupuncture or chiropractic office. TENS units usually emit milliamps, whereas microcurrent emits microamps--one thousand fold difference than a TENS unit. This is important because the data shows once you increase above 500µA, the therapeutic and beneficial cellular effects diminish.
At The Healing Collective, we recommend avoiding using a standard TENS unit two days before and two days after your Frequency Specific Microcurrent treatments so that the TENS therapy does not override the beneficial effects of FSM.
Explore the , research on FSM right here on our Be Well Blog by clicking , here . You are welcome to schedule a free 15 minute consult with Dr. Jessie, our FSM specialist here at The Healing Collective, to learn how FSM might be able to help you.
Ford B. The Chronicles of Fibula: Everything you never knew that you needed to know. The Philadelphia Enquirer. Oct. 5, 2018 .
McMakin C, Gregory WM and Phillips T. Cytokine changes with microcurrent treatment of fibromyalgia associated with cervical spine trauma . J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2005; 9: 169-176. 10.1016/j.jbmt.2004.12.003.
Cheng N 1982, The Effect of Electric Currents on ATP Generation, Protein Synthesis and Membrane Transport in Rat Skin . Clinical Orthopedics 171: 264-272.
Seegers JC, 2002, A pulsed DC electric field affects P2-purinergic receptor functions by altering the ATP levels in in vitro and in vivo systems . Medical Hypothesis, 58 (2) 171-176.
Seegers, JC, 2001; Activation of signal transduction mechanisms may underlie the Therapeutic effects of an applied electric field . Med Hypothesis; 57 (2), 224-230.
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