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HIIT for High Blood Pressure

The Healing Collective • November 3, 2022
Article provided by Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., DACBN, MS, CFMP complements of Functional Medicine University.

When it comes to lowering blood pressure exercise is a non-negotiable factor.

You may be thinking what is the most effective form of exercise to lower blood pressure.

More and more studies are showing the exciting results of something called HIIT in lowering blood pressure. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training

What is HIIT?

HIIT is not any specific exercise, rather, it is a technique. You can apply this technique to almost any kind of exercise whether it be walking, riding a bike, swimming, doing some body weight exercises or even dancing in your living room.


HIIT training consists of combining very short bursts of working at your absolute max alternating short periods of active recovery rest. Research has found that this form of exercising gives you more health benefits than any other way of exercising.

It shortens the amount of time you need to spend on exercise and is more effective; you work out for just 10-30 minutes and reap impressive health benefits.  You burn more body fat, your metabolism is stimulated for long after you finish exercising, and it also it helps you utilize oxygen more efficiently.

One of the biggest benefits people find from HIIT is the reduction in training time. Through HIIT, you can put in about half the amount of time compared to traditional cardio exercise to reach your goals.

One study found that just 2 minutes of HIIT sprinting increased metabolism as much as 30 minutes of running. HIIT increases the efficiency of your heart and HIIT training also has a major effect on naturally lowering your blood pressure.

HIIT and blood pressure:

Although most any type of exercise has its benefits, HIIT shines when it comes to saving time. Using the HIIT technique is the ultimate short-cut.

Study after study shows that HIIT exercise improves blood pressure in people with hypertension better than any other kind of exercise routine.

HIIT is extremely effective in reducing resting heart rate and blood pressure in overweight and obese individuals.

It has been shown that HIIT exercising just 3 times per week for just 20 minutes at a time lowers blood pressure more effectively than continuous endurance training.

What is the science that makes HIIT so effective?

HIIT training changes something called endothelial function. 

The endothelium is a very thin membrane that lines the inside of your heart and your blood vessels. The cells in this membrane release a variety of substances that control how your blood vessels relax and contract.

We know that stiff hard arteries play a role in high blood pressure.  The ability of your artery walls to expand (vasodilate) is very important.  You need to have flexibility in your arteries to allow for appropriate blood flow throughout your body.

HIIT improves endothelial function and reduces the stiffness in your artery walls more so than any other traditional form or exercise.

Just a 1% improvement in your endothelial function can result in a 13% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular events like heart attacks and strokes.

One study showed that 73% of people restored blood pressure to normal using a HIIT training method for just 2 months and 24 exercise sessions. There was a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure from 145.4 (± 9.0) to 118.3 ( ± 15.6) mm Hg.

How to Apply HIIT

With HIIT training you're are going to go ‘all out' at a high intensity for short amounts of time.

You then do an ‘active recovery' rest for a short interval. You can apply this technique to any kind of exercise, walking, running, jumping rope, cycling and even to weight training.

I personally prefer using a stationary bike for minimizing injury. It is simply a great option to implement HIIT into your workouts.

Using the HIIT on a stationary bike

  • Warm-up for 5 minutes on a low setting.
  • After your 5 minute warm-up increase the tension on the bike and pedal as fast as you can for 20 seconds. This is called the Sprint phase. After the 20 second sprint phase, lower the tension on the bike and comfortably pedal for 2 minutes.
  • This is one session of HIIT.
  • Repeat the above 5 times and you are done.

Heart Recovery Tip

After doing your 20 second sprint, lower the tension and wait 60 seconds and check your pulse. You want your elevated pulse to come down between 8-10 beats. This is your heart recovery zone. If for some reason your pulse does not come down 8-10 beats you should stop and call it a day. For example: After you do your all out sprint for 20 minutes your heart rate when go up to 110 beats. After one minute of decreasing the tension and comfortably pedaling, your heart rate should come down to 100-102 beats. That is a good heart recovery.

Although as I mentioned above I prefer the stationary bike this can be applied to walking as well. Simply walking at a comfortable pace for 5 minutes then do an all out "brisk" walk for 20 seconds. Walking comfortably for 2 minutes then repeat five times.

That is all you need to do to maximize this effective form of exercise (HIIT) to lower your blood pressure.

The information on this site is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Grisanti and his functional medicine community. Dr. Grisanti encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

We offer whole-person functional and integrative care at The Healing Collective. Contact us to schedule a free consult or to become a new patient at our clinic in Niwot, CO. Learn more about our functional medicine providers here.

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This month has two very important celebrations that I would love to connect. Making connections is actually one of the strengths of the functional medicine detection process that guides us to the root causes of illness and toward healing! I now invite you to take a pause and ask yourself, what does pride in owning one’s sexual orientation as LGBTQ have to do with brain health and Alzheimer's Disease? As not to leave anyone out- if you identify as straight or heterosexual, what could having pride in yourself have to do with your brain health and Alzheimer's? An important connection that I would like to make involves the nervous system. The brain is a central component of the nervous system, along with the spinal cord and nerves. Our nervous system influences and controls many bodily functions and is also influenced and controlled by many factors. Our emotional state highly influences our nervous system. Individuals who do not feel accepted to be who they are without being judged, criticized, ridiculed and loved by others live under tremendous stress. They often feel unsafe- emotionally and/or physically. Living with constant emotional stress and feeling physically or emotionally unsafe takes a major toll on the nervous system, including the brain, and can be one of many contributors to cognitive impairment. This constant level of stress can impair cognitive function. Stress is inflammatory to the body and brain. Stress affects neurotransmitter production, causing excess excitatory neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and epinephrine, which up-regulate our system which can unfortunately cause even more stress. Stress also causes increased cortisol, the stress hormone to be produced. An excess of these chemicals causes health consequences to many bodily systems. To name a few: Cardiovascular- increased blood pressure and heart rate Respiratory- shallow and rapid breathing that reduces oxygenation Musculoskeletal- pain and tension Endocrine System- sex hormone and thyroid hormone abnormalities due to the HPATG (Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal Thyroid Gonadal) Axis disturbance caused by high cortisol and elevated blood sugar that could advance to diabetes Immune system- Autoimmune disease risk increases significantly from chronic stress Gastrointestinal- GI issues due to parasympathetic and vagus nerve disruption And on and on! Every single system is affected by chronic stress in the nervous system. 
By Tracy Shulsinger May 23, 2024
When people ask me what is one of the most important elements of healthy living, disease prevention and feeling one’s best I always include detoxing as a top priority. Then one of 2 things generally happens. People respond with a resounding, yes! Or I get the deer in the headlight look. I love to break down information for my clients because the more understanding into why something matters, the more follow through and greater benefit to the client will occur. Detoxing is so critical because we are exposed to toxins all day, every day, in our modern life through our basic survival needs and beyond. . Exposure comes through the air we breathe, water we drink, food we eat, personal hygiene products we ironically use to cleanse and care for ourselves and our living spaces. Additionally, extra exposures occur when we renovate our homes or offices; buy a new mattress, carpet, or couch due to the new materials off-gassing chemicals used in the manufacturing process. On top of this certain industries provide extra exposures, such as: mechanics, chemists, beauticians who work in spas and nail salons, artists, construction workers/contractors/mechanical engineers, hospital workers, farmers and more! The deer in the headlights look continues and people wonder, how to detox? People often ask- do I have to do a juice diet or not eat…they often imagine something hard and extreme. Yes, these types of detox’s do exist but must be short lived and thus are less effective. The best type of detox is actually one that supports your daily life rather than interfering with it. There are 3 important, simple messages I’d like to share regarding detoxing. First, living a detox lifestyle is an important way to provide self care to your body, mind and emotions. This means you are eating, drinking, moving, bathing and sweating in an intentional way that helps the daily toxins that flow in, to flow right back out. This preventative method significantly reduces toxin accumulation . Second, address stored toxins by doing a deeper detox dive over multiple months. Start with supporting your drainage pathways, which is “Phase 3” of the body’s detoxing cycle. For this I recommend a detox kit by Cellcore, which they named Phase 1…sorry for the confusion! This is Phase 1 of a detox protocol but in fact it supports Phase 3 of our own body’s detox elimination cycle. Once the body’s drainage pathways are open then deeper detoxing is safe, effective and comfortable, which I love to guide people through!. Thirdly, incorporate intermittent fasting on a regular basis. At the least, do a 12 hour fast overnight. But then build up from there. I strongly recommend that we discuss this further before doing longer fasts to maximize effectiveness and minimize unwanted results. In addition to detoxing support, fasting also supports longevity, cancer prevention and treatment, metabolic disorders- but when not done correctly, especially for a woman's body, it can actually cause unwanted hormonal changes. I would love to support your detoxing needs further so if you feel you are in need and ready for some detox support, please reach out. Wishing you all the best and so, so well! With love, Tracy Shulsinger, FNP
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By Tracy Shulsinger October 30, 2023
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Everyone talks about what to expect during pregnancy and the first year of a child’s life, but few women are aware and few allopathic providers are talking about what to expect in perimenopause, which is why it is vital to increase awareness and inspire action. Most women enter perimenopause in their 40’s, but changes can begin as early as mid to late 30’s. These changes and symptoms can begin up to 10 years before menopause. Perimenopausal women may experience none, some, or all of the following symptoms:
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