The pelvic floor includes a group of muscles, connective tissue, fascia, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and blood supply that support the organs of the pelvis, such as the bladder, uterus, prostate, and bowels and aid in sexual function. The muscles run from the pubic bone in the North to the tailbone in the South, and to the sitz bones in the East and West. The pelvic floor is the true core. There is a lot happening here! The pelvic floor is not really a “floor”. It is more like a hammock or a trampoline that can sometimes have too much or too little tension. Pelvic floor dysfunction involves pain not just in the pelvis, but often refers pain to other areas like the hips, low back, thighs, and abdomen, if the pain becomes chronic.
The pelvic floor is the root of the connection with our whole body, mind, and spirit. It keeps us steady, initiates movement, and supports the weight of our organs and torso (and sometimes the weight of a growing fetus). The pelvis and pelvic floor also support and hold space for emotional energy. In a well-balanced situation, the emotions flow through the body like honey and are experienced, felt, processed, and integrated.
This includes both pleasant and distressing emotions. In an unbalanced situation, the emotions are held inside, suppressed, and ignored. They get stuck as if they are swimming upstream against the current and against natural flow. This results in unconscious muscle holding patterns in the pelvic floor. If you imagine consciously holding a muscle contraction anywhere in the body, that muscle would eventually fatigue. With unconscious muscle holding patterns, overactivity occurs and results in trigger points and chronic, referred pain. Over time, if this overactivity is ignored, it can become centralized pain.
Many people think that pelvic dysfunction or pain is something they must live with, and debunking that myth is important. Each person is different, and it requires a skilled evaluation and assessment to determine the cause of pain. With manual therapy, FSM, and therapeutic exercise, we can decrease pain and support the movement and integration of emotions held in the pelvis to achieve balance and flow. The pelvis is an amazing place. It is the origin of our power. Let us help you feel better and step into your power, into flow.
Contact us to set an initial appointment and assessment.
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