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Staying Well this Fall & Sick Care when Needed

Tracy Shulsinger • August 29, 2023

A Functional Medicine Approach to Prevention & Wellness Support

This month's blog is inspired by the times- back to school, approaching fall a.k.a cold / flu season and an increase in COVID cases amongst us.  In fact I was exposed myself and at the time of this writing, am nursing myself back to health with a Functional Medicine approach.

The Functional Medicine approach is quite simple when it comes to maintaining and improving health:  Eliminate what doesn't belong in the body that contributes to disease and introduce or increase what supports health.

In regards to viral illnesses such as the common cold and COVID, this approach is very helpful. While we still can be exposed and contract an illness, the severity of the illness can be significantly reduced by following dietary considerations and taking supportive supplements before, during, and after an illness.

Anti-Viral Diet Recommendations

Avoid foods that increase inflammation and weaken the immune system: 

  1. Added Sugar
  2. Excessive Salt
  3. High Omega 6's
  4. Fried Foods
  5. Processed and Charred Meats
  6. Fast Food
  7. Certain Food Additives
  8. Highly Refined Carbs
  9. Certain High Fat Foods
  10. Artificial Sweeteners

For more details in each of these categories, click here.

Supplement Recommendations 

Supplements that provide immune system and anti-inflammatory support with targeted nutrients, antioxidants, essential fatty acids and enzymes can help at different stages: prevention, during acute phase of infection and for lingering symptoms than can turn into chronic states. 

1. OrthoMune: Contains Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), Quercetin.
General Immune Support: 2 caps/day
Illness Support: 2 caps, twice/day

2. Vitamin C: Extra Vitamin C helpful during acute illness. Can take up to 1 tablet every hour when awake, up "to bowel tolerance". If you develop loose stools then reduce the dose as your body will not absorb more beyond that dose. 

3. Vitamin D: Dose to blood levels of 50-80 and extra Vitamin D is helpful after exposure and during acute illness. Do be mindful not to exceed safe blood levels. 

4. OrthoMega 820: Omega 3 EPA/DHA anti-inflammatory fish oil from a clean, sustainable ocean source. Take 1-4/day w/ food. Higher doses best for treating inflammatory conditions such as 2 caps twice/day or lower doses such as 1 cap per day for prevention. 

5. Inflavanoid Intensive Care: Botanical anti-inflammatory blend of Turmeric, Ginger, Hops, Fenugreek and Boswelia. Take 2/day w/ food. 

6. SPM Active: Mediates the resolution of inflammation. Most anti-inflammatory mediate the initiation of inflammation. This is very helpful for the after effects of infections- Long COVID and also any extended state of inflammation such as in auto-immune conditions and chronic pain. Take 2/day as loading dose w/ food x 1 week; then 1/day.

7. CT Zyme: Anti-inflammatory enzyme blend that also includes humic acid and fulvic acid for detoxing support. 2/day AWAY from food- by at least 1 hour before food and 2 hours after food. Take on an empty stomach so the enzymes are not focused on digestive processes but instead are breaking down inflammatory proteins. 

8. Vascuzyme: Anti-inflammatory enzyme blend w/ different enzymes that CT Zyme. Taking both can be helpful for heightened, prolonged states of inflammation. 2/day AWAY from food- by at least 1 hour before food and 2 hours after food. Take on empty stomach so the enzymes are not focused on digestive processes but instead are breaking down inflammatory proteins. 

For more details and to learn about ingredients and additional information on each supplement, click the product information pages below: 


Inflavanoid Inensive Care


Vitamin C

Vitamin D


Each of the above supplements can be purchased with our office discount applied by clicking here.  Additionally, you can pick them up directly from the office or call us and have them shipped.


CT-Zyme Can be purchased here, or from the office.  Use Provider Code 6FUC7M9v for CellCore online ordering access.  You can also pick them up from the clinic or request shipping.

Wishing you well!

Tracy, FNP

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